Forum:Building And Renovating Your Own Castle
Topic:Thanks for the help
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Thanks for the help Duncan.
I have one builder lined up. So far he is the only one who would tackle the job. I am planing on doing some of the work myself. I have the model of the outside and some rough
blue prints I have done myself. Although, My builder is confused at why I want a castle with a modern inside. I want heated floors,and the entire castle computerized. My builder thinks this is not possible.
As for the framing I see here a lot of you are using steel. I thought I would go with the steel,my builder wants wood. He thinks it would be best for the double stone walls. Any comments.
duncanYou never spoke of double stone walls in your posts. Glad you have found a builder but why does he think heated floors can't be done?
Levans true castle has them and mine will have.
What are you refering to as a compertized house?
Your right some of the members are useing steel studs and some are useing wood.
Myself i'm useing 8 and 10 foot thick stone walls with timber framing in certain areas.
What else are you haveing trouble with?
DrakorI apologize for not saying anything about the double stone walls. I guess I should tell you more about the layout.
Double stone walls. Wood framing, also ceder beams on the inside ceiling. Ok I like ceder, if I can not use it on the walls I will try on the ceiling. The walls I will leave stone. For the floor, it was to be heated marble, still working on that with the builder. A granite stair-case. The windows will be very small except in the north tower, there they will be very large. For the moat, it will be twenty-five ft. deep and fifty ft. wide. There will be a stone bridge for the entrance to the castle. As for the computerized part, well I want to be able to run a bath, start the fire place, and turn on the lights before I get home. Everything will be computerized. (Right down to the shades.)
I beleave this is it for now. Thank you for letting me share my little dream with you. I hope to start construction in the next few weeks. I will keep you-all posted. As always any comments are welcome.

[This message has been edited by Drakor (edited 05-26-2001).]

Erik SchmidtYes, please let us know how it goes.
And photos, lots of photos, would be great!!!!


Big DaddyDrakor; Love your idea on the heated floors,I to have had this idea for some time now,as well as a computerized Castle. I thought on the idea of how I would heat this way and thought I might have built a huge boiler,useing steam as the heat source. From there my thoughts went wild,although I could never afford such a thing,I thought of having about a thousand acres. With this I would have the resourses to continue with my wild ideas.OK back to the heat issue,my thoughts run to the more natural,and eventually longer lasting. If I could do this with my ideas, I would use swine,pigs,hogs, which ever you prefer to call them. In this way I could utilize the methane gas that is given off by the manure. It would have to be captured and stored until there was enough pressure to work correctly, but then one could burn the methane gas as a heat source to operate the boiler system. Then it would a constant source.Also the swine would serve a duel purpose,heat and food.I have alot of ideas along these lines. Unfortunately thats all they are right now. If any of these ideas help, let me know.I can't do anymore, because of a work related injury,so maybe some of my ideas can be born to fruitation. Castles Are Forever in my thinking.

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