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Regards, Bluewater ThanksDraccyning I am very much interested in locating someone who can take a photo or other scanned image of Blenkinsopp Castle near Greenhead, Cumbria. I am trying to locate the historical origins of my family, and at one time they were said to have inhabited the castle. I would be very grateful to anyone who could provide me with a little assistance. Also check out my site: http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/draccyning Bluewater Can't help on the pics (sorry), but these sites have info on the castle and the area etc.
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/north_east_england_history_page/Southty.htm#THE GHOST OF BLENKINSOPP CASTLE
http://www.business.u-net.com/~badrise/blenk.htm hollypopperus Hi. I know your post is from a few years ago, and maybe you found the info your looking for. I do have pics of the Blenkinsopp Castle if you still need them. And please let me know if you found any that maybe I dont have that you will share with me.
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