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------------------schooormannn found a ruin just outside of cork, sth ireland off n22 road next to a quarry! - neighbour said it was castle more, sacked by oliver cromwell. anyone know of it? AJR Sorry to have taken so long to reply. the castle you mention is also known as "Barrett's Castle", and was built in the 13th century. schooormannn Thank you - I thought I mght have dreamd it! Is there anywhere to find out more info on it? A Knight There are two Castles in Cork - Castlemore next to the N22 and Castle More also known as Barrett's Castle - close to the N20. Best references I can find to these structures are - 'The Castles of County Cork' - James N Healy - ISBN 0 85342 876 8 - The Mercer Press 1988 and 'Archaeological Inventory of Cork - Vol III - Mid Cork' - ISBN 0 7076 4933 1 - Government of Ireland 1997.
From your description next to a quary sounds like the first site. I believe I visited this castle in about 1988 - very dusty inside.
Andy KnightAJR Thanks Andy for putting the record straight. It just goes to show how important the Member's input can be. I got my info from http://www.fortunecity.com/bally/kilkenny/2/irecast2.htm
based on the name of Castle More.
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