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------------------ [This message has been edited by Gordon (edited 10-08-2001).]distantstar I need help and quick! I have a report on the chateau Sully! And I'm not finding very good info. I need to find out who built it, who made changes to it, and what condition it's in now. If anyone can help me thank you sooo much! My e-mail addy is Nien168900@aol.com but please hurry! It's due Wednesday morning! Thanx! *jeanine* Gordon We don't do e-mail answers, then everyone gets the benefit of sharing information openly, and people can add to the answers given already. Maybe you should have started your homework earlier?
Try http://www.coeur-de-france.com/sully.html http://www.orleanscity.com/tourisme/sully.htm http://perso.libertysurf.fr/efrancois/chateau.html
Try http://uk.altavista.com/pos/babelfish/trns
to translate
'Demeure par la verite'
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