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------------------peter hickman What was the most outstanding features
of castles between 1066-1300Gordon This is not really a question for this Forum. This forum is for questions / discussion on specific individual castles. If your question is related to School homework then you should post it to the School Projects Forum, if not then post to General Discussion.
When re-posting please try to make your question a little more specific, your answer could provide enough material for several books. Do some reading first, follow some of the links at the foot of the page, read a glossary or two, or read a good explanatory web page. After that if you wish to ask something which we can reasonably answer here, come back.
Try http://www.castlewales.com/home.html http://www.castlesontheweb.com/members/wurdsmiff/develop.htm
and http://www.castles-of-britain.com/index.htm
to begin with.
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