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Small amount of info here; http://www.tourspain.es/turespai/ci25-32/ci318.htm and here; http://personal.meganet.es/marpirineo/xaviere.htm and here; http://www.cfnavarra.es/redmuseos/english/javi.html and here; http://www.hotelxabier.com/Eng_castle.html That's about it in English, hope it helps, Erik ------------------~*angel*~ hey i was just wondering if u know anywhere that would have info on the castle of javier(spanish) ive looked at castlesofspain.com but couldn't find anywhere else (english please but espaņol would be ok) Erik Schmidt There are a few massive, big, huge, slow to load images of the castle here; http://urban.csuohio.edu/~sanda/pic/travel/spain/basque99/villages/ Marko I would advise you to use the Image Search option of Google at http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en and search for "castillo javier". You'll get 7 pages with results with a lot of pictures and info about the castle of Javier (most in spanish but also some in english).
"But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...."
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