Forum:Individual Castles
Topic:Klessheim by Salzburg, Austria
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
katharina I have a question about the history of the palace Klessheim (Kleßheim), which is situated north from the city Salzburg in Austria. I want to know, who was the owner (or who was living there, or what was there) during the period from 1900 to 1945. I know, that since 1942 it was used by Hitler for meetings, but what was there before him?
Peter Esser

Der Name Ludwig Viktor ist eng mit der Geschichte von Schloss Kleßheim verbunden. Der erstmals 1563 urkundlich erwähnte "Kleshof" wurde ja 1690 von Fürsterzbischof Johann Ernst Graf Thun erworben. Dieser beauftragte Fischer von Erlach als Architekten für den Bau des Schlosses, mit dem im Jahr 1700 begonnen wurde. Nach der Aufhebung des Erzbistums Salzburg als souveränes geistliches Fürstentum im Jahr 1803 fiel Kleßheim an den jeweiligen Landesherrn und damit 1816 an das österreichische Kaiserhaus. 1866 schenkte es Kaiser Franz Joseph I. seinem Bruder Ludwig Viktor als Wohnsitz. 1921 wurde das Land Salzburg durch Kauf Eigentümer der gesamten Schloss- und Gartenanlagen. 1955 wurde Kleßheim das offizielle Gästeschloss des Landes Salzburg, in dem schon Königin Elisabeth von England, die US-Präsidenten Nixon und Ford und König Hussein von Jordanien residierten.

I am trying to give a translation (no babelfish):

In 1563, the "Kleeshof" was mentioned first in an official document.

The (ouurps, how to translate: "Fürsterzbischof" – sovereign bishop?) sovereign bishop bought it in 1690 and charged Fischer von Erlach (a famous Baroque architekt) with the edification of the palace, which commenced in the year of 1700.

After (the process of the so-called "secularisation") the diocese of Salzburg had been dissolved as a princedom in the year of 1803 Klessheim went to the particular rulers and therefore, in the year of 1816, as a property to the Austrian emperors. In the year of 1866 Emperor Franz Joseph gave it as donation to his brother Ludwig Victor, who lived there.

After the end of world war I (1918) and the end of monarchy in Austria in the year of 1921, the salzburg country bought palace and parc. (Here they don‘t mention Hitler having "united" Austria and Germany and using the palace – "Ouups, jus’ forgot it!")

In the year 1955 Klessheim became the official guest palace of Salzburg Country. Its most famous guests were Queen Elisabeth, the US presidents Nixon and Ford and King Hussein of Jordania.

[This message has been edited by Peter Esser (edited 02-28-2002).]

Peter Esser(But, of course, it is no castle.)
katharina Thank you very much for the reply. The translation was actually unnecessary. This information is enough for me. Thank you.
Peter EsserNever mind …

The translation was actually unnecessary.

It was due to the fact that this is an english-speaking forum …

(As I see, I have been promoted to a senior member. Good feeling, indeed.)

GordonThank you for the translation Peter. Unfortunately this is as you say, a single language forum, however attractive other languages are. We do not have an inbuilt translation facility, and so translation is required in order that everyone here can share and enjoy the information posted.
I apprectate the effort as do, I'm sure, all the members.
You certainly deserve the title 'Senior Member', it is however linked to the number of posts made, and not as it should be, an award based on quality of posts.

'Demeure par la verite'
Visit; Gordon's Scottish Castles Resource Page

[This message has been edited by Gordon (edited 03-02-2002).]

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