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Thanks Albert And in mine book 'Châteaux en Belgique' it says: the knights templars had a house between Marche and Rochefort which prospered until Philippe le Bel obtaind the abolition of the order in 1307. at the end of the period the stronghold of jemeppe-hargimont, held by the d'Orchain family was already a force to be reckoned with. i also have a map and text in mine 'het groot kastelenboek van België' i will look if i can scann it in and then i will email it to you.Kastelein Does someone have information about the Chateau de Jemeppe in Belgium. I have already looked on internet, but could only find some info about the remake of this castle in Almere (Holland). VladTepes Here is a link to some info on the castle, it is in French though.
The castle in Belgium is under restauration by the same people who rebuilding a new and smaller version in Holland http://www.escapades.be/esca/parcours/nassogne/hargimon.htm ipflo i found some site on the internet
http://www.mulhuyzen.nl/rb-chateau.htm http://www.skene.be/RWJP98TXT/hargimont.html
the eldest part is the imposing 13th century square keep whose mass seems to overwhelm the long walls pierced by rectungular indows and flanked by round turrets.
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