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Made a little search for ya! Here are some sites I found. All the sites are in the French language. About Rougiers: Hope this helps. ------------------Gabry I'm an italian student and i'm finding for my thesis some informations about two castles: Rougiers and Les beaux de Provence. Please help me! It' very important because i haven't found links.
thanks, GabryMarko Gabry,
About Les Beaux:
- http://www.casteland.com/pfr/chateau/paca/brhone/baux/baux.htm
- http://www.maprovence.de/baux.htm
- http://www.mmsh.univ-aix.fr/laboratoires/lamm/textes/champs/habitat/accueil.htm
- http://perso.wanadoo.fr/patrick.gufoni/htm/Rando/Rougiers.htm
"But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...."
Visit my website at http://www.castles.nl/Marko Found a couple of other sites about Rogiers:
- http://dsv83.free.fr/var_merveilles/descr_rougiers.htm
- http://www.ecomusee-sainte-baume.asso.fr/circuit.htm
- http://www.culture.fr/culture/editions/daf/guid14n.htm
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