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Author Topic:   The Black Knight
Senior Member
posted 12-10-2005 01:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steve-O-Gerst   Click Here to Email Steve-O-Gerst     Edit/Delete Message
Possibly one of the worst movies I've seen, altough the castle, which was made on an enormous outdoor soundstage in Wilmington, looks pretty good.

Recently, I've decided to pick the movie apart, and have made some wonderful discoveries:

For those of you who don't know the plot, Martin Lawrence gets transported back in time, and is sucked into a plot to kill King Leo, and return his castle to a deposed queen.

Sir Knolte, who serves the movie's deposed queen, claims to be "Of Marlborough" when we first meet him. At this time, there was a castle in Marlborough, which served as the Queen of England's Dower house.

King Leo is trying to marry his daughter to the Duke of Normandy. At this time, the king of England also holds the title "Duke of Normandy."

It is thus possible to understand the plot of the movie to mean that King Leo deposed the Queen of England, and then tried to marry his daughter to the King of England.

Of course, Knolte may not be "Of" Marlborugh, but merely from it, and the Duke "Of Normandy" might also just be a duke that lived in Normandy, a theory which fits the plot much better, since it puts the castle in question back away from Royal connections, and the lime light of history.

All times are PT (US)

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