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  the Burg of Graz (Austria)

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Author Topic:   the Burg of Graz (Austria)
posted 10-04-2003 11:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ipflo   Click Here to Email ipflo     Edit/Delete Message

Does any know where I can find information (pictures, history, plans (even with plan in an old city plan I will be happy) about the Burg of Graz.

The only thing I can find till now is info like that on the site of www.graztourismus.at :

Gegenüber dem Dom liegt die Burg, die Kaiser Friedrich III. über Jahrzehnte als Herrschaftssitz diente. Leider wurden im vorigen Jahrhundert wesentliche Teile dieser Habsburger-Residenz abgerissen. Ein originelles bauliches Kleinod blieb jedoch erhalten: die spätgotische Doppelwendeltreppe (1499) neben dem rechten Durchgang zum hinderen Burghof. Die Burg ist heute Sitz der Steirischen Landesregierung.

Which means something like this (translated with altavista.com):

Opposite the cathedral lies the castle, which served emperors Friedrich III. over decades as rule seat. Unfortunately in the last century substantial parts of this having castle he residence were torn off. An original structural Kleinod remained however: the spaetgotische double spiral stair (1499) beside the right passage to the their burghof. The castle is today seat of the Steyrian federal state government.

Thx in advance

Senior Member
posted 10-05-2003 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Marko   Click Here to Email Marko     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Ipflo,

Again I have some text about an Austrian castle from the Austrian book by GC Martinic, which I mentioned in an earlier post. I tried to translate it from German to English. Words I didn't know are between inverted comma's.

Burg Graz at Hofgasse 13-15
From the original building complex today only the following remains; parts of the so-called Friedrichsbuildings with the Chamber-chapel, the southern castle gate, the Maximiliansbuildings, the Karlsbuildings and the "Registraturtrakt". New buildings from 1950-52 close off the first and the second bailey. On the spot of the former castle-abbey is now a castle-garden. The diminished building complex, with parts from the 15th-20th century, lies on a plateau south-east of the castle-mountain which was a originally part of the medieval city defenses. Emperor Friedrich III erected the first building at this site (the Friedrichsbuilding) in 1438-53. The castle became the residence of Friedrich III and seat of the inner Austrian Hof until 1619. Under Maximilian I the construction of the Maximiliansbuildings (1500), 1554 the construction of the display stairs after a design by Domenico dell'Allio. Under Archduke Karl II followed a large extension (Karlsbuildings). 1596-97 construction of the castle-chapel on the fourth floor of the old palace with frescos by Egid de Rye. In 1853 fragments of these paintings were donated to the castles of Frauheim and Gross-Söding. In the 19th century the Friedrichsbuildings, the Ferdinands"trakt" and the display stairs were cleared away. In 1947, after wardamages from the 2nd WW, followed a restoration. Graz Castle is nowadays the seat of the Steyrian federal government.

"But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...."
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[This message has been edited by Marko (edited 10-06-2003).]

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