posted 11-05-2001 01:56 AM
Hi I would really appreciate knowing any information you may have about this castle. I have looked many places but so far--nothing! Can you help? Thanks so much!! Caryl
Marko Senior Member
posted 11-05-2001 03:39 PM
I think you mean Castle Groot Bijgaarden. The name you mentioned is, I think, an english corruption of its dutch name. I found some historical info on: , but because I don't think you can read the dutch text, I've entered an translation below. "The central part of the castle is flanked by two round towers and dates from the 14th century. Around 1100 the castle was inhabited by Almaric de Bigard. A brigde on four arches leading to a drawbridge, spans the moat which encircles the castle. The bridge opens to a gatehouse which is dated around 1640. The castle of Groot Bijgaarden was completely restored in 1902 by the Lord of the castle; Pelgrims de Bigard. Standing free from the castle is a 30 meter high keep with a base dating from 1347, which was restored in the years 1910-1930." Furthermore I found a nice picture at: . Haven't found anything else yet, but if I do I'll post it here.
------------------ "But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...." Visit my website at
Marko Senior Member
posted 11-05-2001 06:40 PM
Found a site of a restaurant opposite the castle and their site shows a little background picture of the castle at At present the castle is used primarily for seminars and such, I think.