posted 12-09-2002 08:11 PM
Hello to all you castle lover's out there! I recently found a framed print that I had purchased at a flea mkt several years ago and it is titled Castle Bruen,I can't seem to find out any information about where it is located and I know that the print is very very old,so if anyone out there has any info please let me know thanks ,P.S Iam retired and have started collecting prints and paintings,
------------------ Linda B Quinn
ipflo Moderator
posted 12-13-2002 04:43 AM
could you tell something more about the print? How does the castle look? Is it maybe possible to scan the print?
keeper Member
posted 12-13-2002 09:18 PM
Hello and thanks for replying ,the print is stuck to the glass so I cannot get out to scan it without damage to the print so I will try to describe it to you.I sits on what appears to be a cliff overlooking a large body of water and it appears to be in the distance to far to see detail.In the lower left corner is a house that looks like it may be part mill as a stream from the large body of water runs past and through a water wheel,there are 3 women down by the stream washing clothing I assume and a fourth coming from the house. There are also trees and large stones around the house and across the stream .I hope that this helps and it is also in color but faded. Thanks Keeper
el sid Member
posted 12-25-2002 01:25 PM
could be the castle of veveri - near the town of brün/brno in cz-republic - look at the old pictures in the upper row - perhaps it´s "your" castle?!